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Professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Innovative Technologies in Inclusion (moonlighting) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3911-7612 E-mail: eliana.danilavichutie@pnu.edu.ua
Head of the Speech Therapy Laboratory Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Scientific interests: research aimed at identifying and analyzing disorders of oral and written speech, determining the mechanisms of their occurrence, creating diagnostic methods and neurodynamic correction in children of different age groups from the standpoint of a psycholinguistic synergetic approach, as well as scientific research in the field of conceptual and linguistic-didactic support for teaching a foreign language to children with speech disorders.
- Danilavichyutye E. A., Lytovchenko S. V. Teaching strategies in an inclusive educational institution: educational and methodological manual / Edited by A. A. Kolupaeva. – K.: Publishing group “A.S.K.”, 2012. – 350 p. (Series “Inclusive Education”).
- Ukrainian language: a textbook for 2nd grade of secondary schools for children with severe speech disorders. Part 2 / authored by V. V. Tyshchenko, E. A. Danilavichyutye, L. I. Trofymenko – Kyiv: Pedagogical Thought, 2012. – 96 p., ill.
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Methodology of teaching the topic “Spelling” in the younger grades of a comprehensive school for children with TPM (topic: “Writing deaf and voiced consonants”) / E. A. Danilavichyutye // Defectology. Special child: education and upbringing. – 2012. – No. 1. – P. 6–13.
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Patterns of emergence, essence and place of inclusion in the unified education system in Ukraine / E. A. Danilavichyutye // Defectology. Special child: education and upbringing. – 2013. – No. 1. – P. 2–8.
- Danilavichiutie, E. 2013. Actuality of creating positive non-rodynamic changes for the development of a complex technology of correctional action in DCP. In: Persons with health disabilities in the context of contemporary special education and related sciences, Bratislava: Iris, 2013, pp. 767– 776, ISBN 978-80-89238-87-3.
- Danilavičiūte E. 2016. Neurodynamic modeling of speech in children with cerebral palsy: Paedagogica specialis XXIX, University of Komenskeho Bratislava: 2016 pp. 765–774, ISBN 978-80-223-4010-6
- Danilavichyutye E.A. “English Language” [Electronic resource] / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Curriculum for 5-9 (10) grades for children with severe speech disorders (6-9 grades) – Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (№1148 of 26. 09. 2016) Access mode: http://www.mon.gov.ua/
- Danilavichyutye E.A. “ English Language” [Electronic resource] / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Curriculum for preparatory, 1-4 grades for children with musculoskeletal disorders (1-4 grades) – 2014. – Access mode: http://www.mon.gov.ua/
- Danilavichyutye E.A. “ English Language” [Electronic resource] / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Curriculum for grades 5-9 (10) for children with musculoskeletal disorders (grade 5) – 2014. – Access mode: http://www.mon.gov.ua/
- Danilavichyutye E.A. “English Language” [Electronic resource] / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Curriculum for grades 5-9 (10) for children with musculoskeletal disorders (grades 6-7) – 2015. – Access mode: http://www.mon.gov.ua/
- Danilavichyutye E.A. “English Language” [Electronic resource] / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Curriculum for grades 5-9 (10) for children with musculoskeletal disorders (grades 8-10) – 2016. – Access mode: http://www.mon.gov.ua/
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Child with cerebral palsy / O. V. Chebotaryova, L. V. Koval, E. A. Danilavichyutye – Kharkiv: Publishing house “Ranok”, Publishing house “Kangaroo”, 2018. – 40p. – (Inclusive education in nosologies).
- Danilavičiuť E. A. Children with special educational needs in an inclusive environment / E. Danilavičiuť // Special child: education and upbringing. – 2018. – No. 3. – P. 7–19.
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Patterns of emergence, essence and place of inclusion in the unified education system in Ukraine. / E. A. Danilavichyutye // Defectology. Special child: education and upbringing. – 2013. – No. 1. – P. 2–8.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. “Foreign Language (English)” [Electronic resource] / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Curriculum for preparatory, 1-4 grades for children with severe speech disorders – (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (№ 750 of 24.06.2014 ) Access mode: http://www.mon.gov.ua/
- Danilavichyutye E.A. “Foreign Language (English)” [Electronic resource] / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Curriculum for grades 5-9 (10) for children with severe speech disorders (grade 5) – (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (No. 750 of 24.06.2014 ) Access mode: http://www.mon.gov.ua/
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Conceptual model of ICF-DP in the inclusive educational process / E. Danilavichyutye // Special child: education and upbringing. – 2018. – No. 4. – P. 57–64.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Conceptual principles of studying writing disorders from the standpoint of an activity approach / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Education of people with special needs: ways of development: (Scientific-methodical collection) / Edited by V.V. Zasenko, A.A. Kolupaeva – K.: Naukovyi svit, 2010. – issue 1. – pp. 81-91.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Methodology of teaching the topic “Spelling” in the younger grades of a comprehensive school for children with TPM. / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Defectology. Special child: education and upbringing. – 2011. – No. 3. – P. 2–5.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Methodology of teaching the topic “Spelling” in the younger grades of a comprehensive school for children with TPM (topic: “Unstressed E, I in the roots of words”). / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Defectology. Special child: education and upbringing. – 2011. – No. 4. – P. 3–6.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Methodology of teaching the topic “Spelling” in the younger grades of a comprehensive school for children with TPM (topic: “Writing deaf and voiced consonants”). / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Defectology. Special child: education and upbringing. – 2012. – No. 1. – P. 6–13.
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Teaching a foreign language to children with speech development disorders. / E. A. Danilavichyutye // Ukrainian Logopedic Bulletin: Collection of Scientific Proceedings – K.: Aktualna osvita, 2013. – Issue 4. – P. 13–28.
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Neurodynamic basis of speech and fine motor skills modeling in the context of complex technology of providing assistance for cerebral palsy [Electronic resource] / E. Danilavichyutye // Special child: education and upbringing. – 2015. – No. 4. – P. 8–16.http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/DLog_2015_4_3
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Organizational and methodological principles of the activities of inclusive resource centers: teaching and methodological manual. / M. A. Poroshenko, A. A. Kolupaeva, M. V. Yaroshuk, O. M. Taranchenko, L. I. Prokhorenko, I. M. Gudym, O. F. Fedorenko, E. A. Danilavichyutye, Yu. V. Ribtsun, A. Yu. Melnyk, O. V. Vorobey, G. O. Yarova, Yu. V. Zarudenko, M. O. Bolkun, V. E. Novosad, O. O. Makaruk, L. A. Samoilenko. − K.: All-Ukrainian charitable organization “Poroshenko Charitable Fund”. – 252 p. (18.99 dr. sheet / 1.0 dr. sheet) (ISBN 978-617-7239-29-0) (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Order No. 802 dated July 24, 2018; information about the publication is available at: http://poroshenko.com/data/group/10/41cbdc492b.pdf )
- Danilavichyutye E. Persons with special needs: ethical communication, support, assistance / Gudym I., Danilavichyutye E., Zhuk V., Makarchuk N., Chebotaryova O., Zamsha A. – K: 2016. – 72p.
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Preparing children to master the phonetic principle of writing. / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Newspaper “Kindergarten”, issue 29 – 31 (653 – 655), August, 2012. P. 29-36.(0.5).
- Danilavichyutye E. A. The problem of organizing the education of children with speech disorders in a general educational institution. / E. A. Danilavichyutye // Ukrainian logopedic bulletin: collection of scientific works – K.: Aktualna osvita, 2012. – Issue 3. – P. 13–21. (0.5).
- Danilavichyutye E. A. Software support for the process of mastering English by students of grades 1-4 and 5 with severe speech disorders / E. A. Danilavichyutye // Special child: education and upbringing. – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 30–40.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Professional cooperation in an inclusive educational institution: a teaching and methodological manual. / authored by: A.A. Kolupaeva, E.A. Danilavichyutye, S.V. Litovchenko. – K.: Publishing group “A.S.K.”, 2012. – 197 p. (Series “Inclusive Education”)
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Psycholinguistics of spelling in the context of a modern textbook for schoolchildren with severe speech disorders / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Problems of a modern textbook: collection of scientific works / [ed. col. ; editor-in-chief – O.M. Topuzov]. – K.: Pedagogical thought, 2016. – Issue 17 – pp. 109-123
- Danilavichyutye E. Psycholinguistic structure of creating a textbook for children with severe speech disorders / E. Danilavichyutye // Problems of a modern textbook: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference, May 18–19, 2018, Minsk. – K.: Pedagogical thought, 2018. – pp. 33-36.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Teaching strategies in an inclusive educational institution: educational and methodological manual / Danilavichyutye E.A., Lytovchenko S.V. / Ed. A.A. Kolupaeva. – K.: Publishing group “A.S.K.”, 2012. – 350 p. (Series “Inclusive education”)
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Ukrainian language. 2nd grade: textbook for general education. students. (F80) and students from (R48 F81) / E. A. Danilavichyutye, L. I. Trofymenko, G. V. Hryban. – K.: Lybid, 2017. – 160 p.: ill. ISBN 978-966-06-0720-0;
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Ukrainian language. 3rd grade: textbook for general education students (F80) and students from (R48 F81) / E. A. Danilavichyutye, L. I. Trofymenko, G. V. Hryban. – K.: Lybid, 2017. – 192 p.: ill. ISBN 978-966-06-0756-9.
- Danilavichyutye E.A. Ways of adapting programs on the subject of “Foreign Literature” (5-6 grades) of secondary schools for children with severe speech disorders / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Ukrainian Logopedic Bulletin: (Scientific-methodical collection) – K.: PP. Actual Education, 2010. – issue 1.
- Danilavichyutye, E. A. (2020). Interaction of pedagogical theory and practice. Bulletin of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.37472/2707-305X-2020-2-1-3-4 (0.5 dr. sk.)
- Danilavichyutye, E. A. Special speech needs: strategy of organizing a humanistic educational environment / E.A. Danilavichyutye // Humanization of the educational space of special and inclusive education: theory and practice: collective monograph / E.A. Danilavichyutye, S.P. Mironova, N.G. Pakhomova, O.M. Taranchenko [and others]; scientific editors A.A. Kolupaeva, I.M. Dychkivska. – Rivne: Volynski oberegi, 2020. – P. 84 − 94. (0.5 dr. sheets)
- DANILAVICHIUTIE, E. 2013. Actuality of creating positive non-rodynamic changes for the development of a complex technology of corrective action for DCP. In: Persons with health disabilities in the context of current special education and related sciences, Bratislava: Iris, 2013 pp. 767 – 776.
- Kolupayeva A., Taranchenko О., Danilavichute E. (2014), Special Education Today in Ukraine, in Anthony F. Rotatori , Jeffrey P. Bakken , Sandra Burkhardt, Festus E. Obiakor, Umesh Sharma (ed.) Special Education International Perspectives: Practices Across the Globe (Advances in Special Education, Volume 28) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 311 – 351
- Danilavichiutie, E. Neurodynamic approach to speech modeling in cerebral palsy. Speech therapy forum N25: 2017 165– 174, ISSN 1732-1301, Katowice: Polish Society of Ljgopedics, Silesian Branch